简介: 哈尔滨斯克林大酒店位于道里区通达街458号,酒店总面积8千多平方米,拥有舒适温馨的大床间,标准间,家庭房,三人间,套房等系列房型。提供24小时热水淋浴,独立温控冷暖空调。数字电视,宽带上网等多种配套设施,是出差旅游人士理想的停居之所。
Harbin skrine hotel is located in the Daoli District Tongda Street No. 458, hotel with a total area of more than 8000 square meters, with a series of warm and comfortable big bed room, standard room, family room, three rooms, suites and other chamber. Provide 24 hours hot water shower, independent temperature control and cooling air conditioning. Digital TV, broadband Internet and other ancillary facilities, is the ideal place for business travelers to stop.
Harbin skrine Le Grand Large Hotel building 17 floors, rooms are located in the 7-16 layer.